Will I Go to Heaven?

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Will I Go to Heaven? coverWill I Go to Heaven?

Submitter: This book comes from a small public library. It has had 4 circulations since 2001. That alone is enough to pull the book. Then there are some questionable illustrations and text that are a bit confusing and likely offensive in today’s social climate. For a children’s book there is A LOT of text. There are also some torn and stained pages. We do get requests for children’s books on death and heaven on occasion. It’s a difficult topic to explain and this book would likely confuse young minds.

Holly: Ughhhhh. I’m really tired of these cartoony images of historical and cultural groups of people. It’s not cute. It’s not the cartoon style, so much; it’s the parody and stereotype of the way the characters are portrayed. Did we ever need children’s books with beer-guzzling Vikings? Ummm…no. We didn’t.



Why do we die?

American Indians