Satan’s Music

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satan's music exposed

Satan’s Music Exposed

In case you didn’t know, the real evil is Christian rock. Evidently, the shift from traditional sacred music is ruining church for everyone. The author asserts that this pop music influences us through the accelerated beat and sinful lyrics. He specifically mentioned the songs: Afternoon Delight, Let’s Spend the Night Together, and Having my Baby. (I am willing to bet this is the first time those songs shared the same paragraph.) This poor author is also mad about Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell. Evidently, Jesus on Broadway is a bad idea.

Many historical events are the result of this evil influence of rock music: The Who Concert in 1979, Elvis Presley’s death in 1977, The Powder Ridge Rock Festival in 1970 (evidently Woodstock didn’t make the cut), violence at Kent State (1970), and teen pregnancy. Lucky for you there is a list of “approved” classical music to pick up any slack. (See the last image.)

Well, I hope everyone has learned their lesson. Hell is the place for the fun music.


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